Going down?

The other day, I waited for the elevator in my building to go upstairs to my apartment.  As the door opened, without paying attention to the little light that indicates if it’s going up or down, I got on and I pressed my floor.  The elevator door closed and the car began to move.  It stopped rather quickly, which usually doesn’t happen on the way up.  The door opened and I was in the basement.  As the older gentleman waiting for the elevator gestured to allow me off before he gets on (unlike the behavior that seems to be the case in the NYC subway), I motioned for him to enter and stated that I got on going the wrong way and now I’m going up.

“I got on thinking I was going up, but I went down instead” I chuckled.  He smiled and said “Happens all the time”.  I then joked and said “I hope that doesn’t happen when I die!”  Without a pause, he replied “That’s totally in your control”. 

As telling him I agreed with his remark I thought about it a little bit.  As a cultural Jew who is partly agnostic I’m not sure what I believe about Heaven and Hell.  In fact, I learned only in the last decade that Jews don’t believe in a fire and brimstone Hell.  Anyway, none of that matters.  What I just experienced was yet another opportunity to think about life’s purpose and to remember to just treat people kindly regardless of whether or not there is reward or punishment in the end.  Just be kind.  It’s easier and makes the time during which we are alive, a lot more enjoyable!

What was the last kind thing you did for someone, even a total stranger?  Discuss below if you feel so inclined.

Wondering about the direction of your life?  Feel like you’re going down instead of up?  Book a consultation with me and let’s see if we can chart a course for you to get where you want to go.  

Mark Schall