Become a CVI Certified Practitioner!
CVI Certified Practitioner Training
With a 97% repeat score reliability factor, the CVI goes beneath personality and measures an innate and unchanging nature of human being. It helps clients discover who they are at their core, and how they are meant to contribute to the world. It’s a great career exploration tool, relationship development tool, team development tool and so much more. When organizations use it for right person/right job matching, it puts the right person in the right seat doing the right work with a 95% hit rate.
The CVI is a great client engagement tool that increases client conversions (compared to when no assessment is used), and increases existing client buy-in into the coaching process. It’s a truly wonderful place to start a coaching relationship.
My next virtual training will take place over two separate days:
November 30th and December 21, 2021
from 12PM to 3PM EST
The cost for the training is $1950.
What should you do next?
Once you’re ready to sign up, fill in the registration form below, and I will contact you with more information including payment information.
If you’d like to see the the CVI for yourself, click here and you can take it. You’ll get a free limited report which will be upgraded to the full report for your training. Or you can opt to pay for the upgraded report on your own, for just $50.
If you have any questions, book a CVI Info Call with me here.