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✔ Certified professional coach

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Ready to work with a speech coach in New York?


Why Work with a Speech Coach in New York?

You may be asking how a speech coach in New York can benefit you. Giving a speech is more than just reading from a stack of note cards. Even if your speech is well written and your slide deck is perfectly polished, the delivery of your speech can make or break your public speaking performance. The words you say and the slides you show are just a small part of your overall presentation. Other factors that can affect your speech -- and that I can help you master -- include:

●       Tone: Setting the right tone for your speech is vital to connecting with your audience. Should your speech be delivered in a humorous tone? A professional tone? A somber tone? Together, we can analyze your audience's needs and desires and set the right tone for your speech.

●       Pausing and stress: Emphasizing the right words and breaking them up into chunks helps your audience understand your message and the weight of your words. In our speech coach sessions, we will explore and discover the appropriate pausing and stress to apply to your speech.

●       Word choice: Your speech may be beautifully written, but does it use language that your audience will appreciate and understand? The words you would choose to deliver a speech in a C-suite are probably quite different from the words you would choose to deliver a speech in a high school classroom. A speech coach can analyze your speech and ensure that you are selecting the words your audience needs to hear to understand your message.


Contact a Coach

Ready to work with a speech coach in New York? Let's work together to make your next speech a smashing success! Contact me today for a complimentary strategy session.

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